Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

3D Max Shortcut

General User Interface

New scene: CTRL+N
Help: F1
Shade Selected Faces (Toggle on/off): F2
Wireframe/Smooth & Highlights (toggle view): F3
View Edged Faces(toggle on/off): F4
Selection Lock(toggle on/off): Space
Select(and cycle through Selection Region types): Q
Add to Selection: CTRL+LMB
Remove from Selection: ALT+LMB
Move: W
Rotate: E
Scale(and cycle through scale types): R or CTRL+E
Top View: T
Bottom View: B
Left View: L
Front View: F
Isometric User View: U
Perspective User View: P
Camera View: C
Spot/Directional Light View: Shift+4
color=orange]Hide Grids(toggle on/off): G
Snaps(toggle on/off): S
Angle Snap(toggle on/off): A
Percent Snap(toggle on/off): CTRL+SHIFT+P
Create Camera From (Perspective) View: CTRL+C
Restrict Movement Along Specific Axis: F5-F7
Restrict Plane Cycle: F8
Render Last: F9
Quick Render: SHIFT+Q
Render Scene Dialogue(toggle on/off): F10
Render To Texture Dialogue(toggle on/off): 0(Zero)
Material Editor(toggle on/off): M
Particle View(toggle on/off): 6
Environmental and Effects Dialogue(toggle on/off): 8
Open Advanced Lighting Panel: 9
Open MAXScript Listener: F11
Open Last Used Explorer: ALT+CTRL+Q
Isolate Selection: ALT+Q
Maximise Viewport(toggle on/off): ALT+W
Place Highlight: CTRL+H
Select By Name/Select From Scene: H
Select All: CTRL+A
Select None: CTRL+D
Select Invert: CTRL+I
Select Ancestor: Page Up
Select Child: Page Down
Clone: CTRL+V
Adaptive Degradation(toggle on/off): O(Letter)
Expert Mode(toggle on/off): CTRL+X
Zoom Mode: ALT+Z
Zoom Extents(single Viewport): CTRL+ALT+Z
Zoom Extents(all Viewports): CTRL+SHIFT+Z
Zoom Selected(all Viewports): Z
Pan: Middle Mouse Button
Pan Viewport: I
Zoom: Dial MMB(scrolling mouse) or CTRL+ALT+MMB
Zoom Viewport In: [
Zoom Viewport Out: ]
Arc Rotate View Mode: ALT+MMB or CTRL+R
Undo Scene Operation: CTRL+Z
Redo Scene Operation: CTL+Y
Show Safeframes(toggle on/off): SHIFT+F
Show Statistics(toggle on/off): 7
Auto Key Mode(toggle on/off): N
Hide Cameras(toggle on/off): SHIFT+C
Hide Geometry(toggle on/off): SHIFT+G
Hide Helpers(toggle on/off): SHIFT+H
Hide Lights(toggle on/off): SHIFT+L
Hide Particle Systems(toggle on/off): SHIFT+P
Hide Shapes(toggle on/off): SHIFT+S
Hide Space Warps(toggle on/off): SHIFT+W
Display As See-Through(toggle on/off): ALT+X
Play Animation: /
Sub-Object Level 1-5: 1/2/3/4/5
Sub-Object Level Cycle: Insert
Show Main Toolbar(toggle on/off): ALT+6

Editable Poly

Vertex Level: 1
Edge Level: 2
Boarder Level: 3
Poly Level: 4
Element Level: 5
Cycle Levels: Insert
Extrude Mode: Shift+E
Bevel Mode: CTRL+SHIFT+B
Chamfer Mode: CTRL+SHIFT+C
Edge Constraint(toggle on/off): SHIFT+X
Target Weld: CTRL+SHIFT+W
Cut: ALT+C
Quickslice: CTRL+SHIFT+Q
Grow Selection: CTRL+Page Up
Shrink Selection: CTRL+Page Down
Hide: CTRL+H
Hide Unselected: CTRL+I
Unhide All: ALT+U

Particle Flow

Copy Selected In Particle View: CTRL+C
Paste Selected In Particle View: CTRL+V
Particle Emission(toggle on/off): ;
Selected Particle Emission(toggle on/off): SHIFT+;

Quad Menus

Animation: ALT+RMB
Lighting/Render: CTRL+ALT+RMB
Modelling: CTL+RMB
Viewports: V

Material Editor

Background: B
Backlight: L
Cycle 3x2,5x3,6x4 Sample Slots: X
Get Material: G
Go Backward to Sibling: Left Arrow
Go Forward to Sibling: Right Arrow
Go tp Parent: Up Arrow
Make Preview: P
Options: O(letter)

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